Granny Björg

My aim was tht colour and make-up should be used in moderation and only to underline personality and beuty.
The image should express joy and calm, and an unselfconscious attiude.
My dear Elsa Dóra, I am inexpressibly happy, as an old woman, to be trusted to be intelligent and tasteful enough to take part in this interesting project.

Yulita Valerio

I wanted the picture to represent some eastern quality.  I got the opportunity to use my talent and meet some new people.

Sævar Karl

The clothes emphasise the personality, exaggerate it or distort it.  In this case they underline the presonality, simple, comfortable, natural.
This is my life's work.

Coco Ágústsson

An Icelandic woman, a Valkyrie.  Tough and decisive.  She knows what she wants and is ready to go to war.
It is fun to play.

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