Viktoría Gudnadóttir
Born in Iceland, 1969.
Lives and works in the Netherlands.
1995, Krabbesholm kunsthojskole, in Denmark.
1996-2000 AKI-akademie voor beeldende kunst, Enschede, the Netherlands.
2000-2002 Dutch Art Institute – Postgraduate study, Enschede, the Netherlands.
Solo exhibitions:
2002 Gallerí Hlemmur, Reykjavík, Iceland.
PARK 4TV. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2000 Samtökin '78, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Ateliers '93, Hengelo, the Netherlands
Group exhibitions and projects:
2002 Rotterdam VHS-Festival, Het Wilde Weten, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
PKTAT Pleasekeepthisareatidy. VilladeBank, Enschede, the Netherlands.
2001 Hide and Seek…Villa Weiner, Ochtrup, Germany.
2000 Jonge Beeldhouwers 2000. Kunstvereniging Diepenheim, the Netherlands.
Overzichttentoonstelling AKI 2000 - Graduation works from AKI 2000.
Enschede, the Netherlands.
Ladenkast project, - Drawers project, Düsseldorf, Germany.
1999 Workshop AKI, Delphi, Greece.
Sculpturen project, Hellendoorn/Ibbenbüren, the Netherlands and Germany.
Catalogue: Sculpturen project, Hellendoorn/Ibbenbüren.
Park of the Future. Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
1998 Piesberg – Kunstproject in Museum Industriekultur Osnabrück and Oberfinanzdirektion Münster, Germany.
Catalogue: Kultur als Neue Natur?
Multiples. Exhibitions in Bristol, England, Enschede, the Netherlands and Strasbourg, France.